Just a recipe on how to make lemonade ...

Hi! I am Elvi. I live, work and play in New York City. Initially I started this blog to share my experiences with the world about my breast cancer diagnosis and the chemotherapy afterwards, but now (knock knock on wood) I just write about my everyday life encounters. I believe, that every experience in life can be turned into a positive one, hence the title ... When life gives you lemons make lemonade! (And I've made lots of it already!)

Friday, December 02, 2005

I did it!

IN and OUT

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One would think that I'd be freaking out getting my head shaved, but the contrary is the truth! I could not wait to get rid of the horrible brown roots - remains of the $200 dollar highlights that I had done sometime in June!?

My wig - Jennifer (according to her Godfather and hairdresser Mr. Gwen) is quite a stunner with perfect highlights and blond locks of much thicker hair than I'll ever have. On my last visit to the salon she was handed to me in a pink paper bag: "Here! Make friends! You'll wear her quite a bit" said Gwen and so this is where our friendship began.

Jen is popular. These past two weeks I've modeled her uncountable times in front of the mirror, windows and visitors, who all agreed that I complement her well with my good looks ;), egg shaped head and brown eyes. Not only is she popular, she also gets around! Every single visitor (regardless of sex) insisted on trying her on and modeling her themselves. I hate to say it, but I think I am the winner in this competition - she suits me and no-one else!

Buzz ... bzzz .. and we were let into this abstract, foreign land of wigs and hair pieces. A country of its own on the second floor, right next to Columbus Circle, a place, where looks, thus lives transform. Clutching to my pink paper bag carefully sealed with Jen inside we entered. Right in front of us stood Gwen at first hardly acknowledging our presence, but in a few seconds shaking hands with Geoff and greeting me with his cutest, but reserved smile. Having multiple experiences with gay guys and seeing them turn from Miss SupreDuuperNice to Ms. Don'tMessWithMeBiatch in a matter of seconds (right, Denis? :) I keep myself on the xtra effort good behavior, complimenting his job and Jen a few times before we are seated in a closed cubicle.

I get the throne in front of the mirror and spend a few minutes just staring at my hair or as mom calls it my "Chinese Silk" - so fine and oh so few ....
I am trying to imagine my new skull covered with white skin and nothing on it, but with my best efforts I can not see my would-be-new-me.

Since this diagnosis it feels like I am regressing to becoming baby Elvi!
Not only do I brush my teeth with Tom's of Maine VERY BERRY STRAWBERRY toothpaste (mint hurts my sore gums), I also get the baby talk once in a while from random individuals (like Geoff and Judy:), and on a top of it I am becoming bald and hairless as a newborn!
(For those pervs who wonder: the answer is ohhh yeaaah! :)

Gwen pulls a draw open and takes out a black barber cover (or whatever it's called) and the electric buzzer and to my surprise my chair is turned away from the mirror. I feel tickling on my skull while we chit-chat about chemo and Gwen's experiences with it. He's been selling wigs to chemo patients for 15 years and last year he had to go through the experiences himself. The experiences that he knew all too well by the accounts of his many clients. Is it faith or "just" a morbid coincidence? How often does a firefighter puts out a fire in his own house?

Not seeing my face changing its character I try to get some feedback from Geoff. He's been looking at me with a sort of frozen smile all this time and so when I ask "How do I look?" he says what I'd expect "Ohh! You're so sexy!" ...
.... I always knew he was a diplomat ...

"Gwen, I am just really worried what's going to happen if my wig flies away?"
(He rolls his eyes and smiles ... )
"Well, you'll turn around, pick it up and put it back on"
"OK .. now that was funny for a moment, but seriously?"
"I'll give you a tape! Do not worry, it's not going to happen."

(Or so he says in remains of his French accent ... )

Gwen leaves ... I run my fingers through my head. The sensation of the 2 millimeter long hair brushing against my skin gives me strange chills that I can not decide if I like or dislike.
Rubbing a bald man's head brings luck, right?
1 dollar a rub, anyone?

I turn the chair around and find Sinead O'Connor staring back at me!
We could bloody be twins!
My hands cover my mouth in surprise and a sort of self-defense .... a look closer, sit back, closer, sit back ... OK .. not too-too bad ....

Gwen returns and points out a big pigment circle on the top of my head ...
"Did you know you had that?"
I've always had a patch of pitch dark black hair growing on my head and never knew where or how it got there, so here! We solved the mystery! Pigment!
I wonder whether my signature black patch will ever grow back?

First rehearsal goes well.
Jen gets a piece of tape, I shake her out, turn her upside down and swing it over my head. Voila! Sinead is out .. Barbie with blond locks is in! I am not a bit uncomfortable. God should have given this hair to me in the first place!

"Baby shampoo once in two weeks, brush and style like normal hair and I will need her for repair in two month for at least three days!"

(No f*&^%in' way Gwen!)

"Geoff! Congratulations to you! Two women for a price of one is a bargain!"

(Not when you have to get her 8 presents for every treatment :)


  • At December 04, 2005, Blogger Yana said…

    I wish you good luck!

    My cousin wears a wig (she is religious) and she doesn't take it in enough to economize - it looks terrible, so give it up to your wig-dresser as per his directions!


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