Just a recipe on how to make lemonade ...

Hi! I am Elvi. I live, work and play in New York City. Initially I started this blog to share my experiences with the world about my breast cancer diagnosis and the chemotherapy afterwards, but now (knock knock on wood) I just write about my everyday life encounters. I believe, that every experience in life can be turned into a positive one, hence the title ... When life gives you lemons make lemonade! (And I've made lots of it already!)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back from PR :)

The trip was great ... I have to admit that I have had a bit of a prejudice in me. Judging by the numerous Puerto Rican parades I've seen in New York, I thought that I'll have to dress and act like a slut to submerge into the boricua culture. Well I can now safely say that this was not the case!

Everyone was really sweet and friendly and I/We loved it!

I am running short on the 24 hours of the day between work, tango, little cousin (Babu) and AVON it's just crazy, but I will write a decent report on the trip .. For now a few of my pictures that I am so proud of! (See? I almost learned to use my camera!)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wow wow wow

Guess what? We won a honeymoon to Jamaica ..... Yaaaayyyy ... I am so excited!

When Geoff heard the news he just let out the biggest sight of his life saying
"Thank God, my fortune must be changing since the last time I had won anything was at Santa's drawing contest about 20 years ago!"

If you don't know the story this is how it happened:
One beautiful morning while waiting for my two-weekly chemotherapy session I picked up a bridzilla magazine and read "Honeymoon Contest! Share your story!" .. so I was like heck I keep writing on this blog and granted I feel great once I let my thoughts flow freely on the cyberspace, but could I possibly not get more out of this writing craze that I have?"

So, I got home and while feeling highly pukie with body ache in every single part of my skeleton I decided to tell them how Geoff and I met and ladiedaaaa all the rest .. Then I kept checking my mail gazillion times a day to see if they respond .. nothing! :( Until last week when I got an email saying we were the three finalists and I shoudl send pics (I guess they wanted to check if we were somewhat presentable ... and we passed the test!) ... So, today I got the call congratulating on our prize!!! Is that amazing????

Yamaaaan I am so excited!
Aren't you also excited to be buying the next issue of Mamnhattan Bride magazine? :)))

Check it out: http://www.manhattanbride.com/contests/HonCntst.html

Adios for a short while ... I am leaving for Puerto Rico on Wednesday morning ...

P.S. I am still fundraising if anyone would like to secure a great feeling that they supported a good cause!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Did you know?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Warning: GROSS

I think I am becoming boring as time progresses as my blog entries will start the same way ... "Sorry I haven't writtenshootIwassobusy yadda yadda yadda " ... and it's all true .. I just don't feel motivated enough after a day of activities (TG that I can do all these activities though).

Two weeks ago I went with Mickey to see the "BODIES" exhibition by South Street Seaport. There was so much publicity about the exhibit that I just had to go and see those imagined half cut bodies floating in clear stuff, somewhat like the scene from the first Freddy Krueger movie that I've never seen. Well, it wasn't like that! There were dried out Asian people (mostly men - sorry guys) and under a glass was a display of their organs. Their muscles dried on the skeleton in a position of a marathon runner for a nike add looked like beef jerky (the one that they sell in 7/11 by the cash register - yukk). Anyway, I wasn't impressed, as I've seen what's inside of me already in a nursing high school that I attended.

On the other hand, this was the first time that I've gotten face to face with my enemy. There it was under the glass, kind of brownish pinkish and bubbly. I kept staring at it thinking how glad I was that they took it out of my body! Freakin' breast cancer is an exhibition piece like some royalty!

Mickey, my friend and I just walked around having some educational time while passing by embryos of all sizes, intestines, lungs of smokers and non, skeletons and cancers and then we arrived to a HUGE index finger. This thing was like 10 times the normal size and someone logically remarked that "it would be great to have it for hitch-hiking" ... we agreed!

Do you ever go to the museum, walk around for 2-3 hours, read most of the captions, then leave and ask yourself if you remember anything and the answer is ZIP?
Well, I made a point to leave at least with one piece of factual knowledge (I am not very ambitious that way to remember more) so here: "Every single person on Earth spent half an hour of their life as a single cell".
(Is that a good or a bad thing?)

People go on and on about how gross this exhibit is and unethical and disturbing and then we end up going to PS1 last weekend ...
PS1 is part of the MOMA and is in Queens. Every summer the museum organizes a so called "WARM UP" party with a DJ and an exhibit outside called "Urban Beach" as well as inside. It's a great place to people watch or take your children and point out how they should dress if they do not want to get their weekly allowance money.

So, we walk inside passing through the "Content maybe disturbing, no-one under 17" sign, turn around a corner and realize that we are face to face with a detail oriented photograph of an anus blown up to the size of half the wall ... the exhibition gets only more interesting as we walk past another set of photographs depicting a woman squatting in the middle of an empty room and doing the number dos (translation: taking a shit) poopies hanging of her butt (I am so sorry for being graphic, but I almost puked seeing it, so I'd love to share the notion ;) the second picture gets even better .. the woman is smearing her "product" all over the floor .... another artist made a soap from her poop and put a nice wrap around it (not sure if it smelled like roses, but I am glad it was behing a glass window!) ...

The exhibit is named "Into Me/Out of Me" .. I guess we started off somehow with the out of me part ... As we walk around and get to the self-inflicting pain part ... a naked girl on a movie is doing a hoola hoop made out of bob wire cutting into her flash, huge picture of body cuts, a movie of a woman walking with a bucket of blood ...

Grrrr ... I was so upset .. no other exhibition stirred me up so much as this sicko stuff ... while walking past the pieces of "art" I kept reassuring myself with the words of my art professor, Dr Grimaldi from Dowling: "Art does not have to be beautiful, it should be thoughts provoking" .. yeah yeah but this one?

Well, I am not sure if disgusting qualifies for "Thoughts provoking", however it did strike up an interesting conversation with Geoff's friend Brian whom we met that later that day ... after hearing my review of the exhibition Brian suggested another piece exhibit: A soap with your roommates’ pubic hair stuck on it, caption "Staying over at friends house for a day"

So surprising what some people call art ... I think the real art is if they actually pooped, took a picture of it and made their living!

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Monday, August 07, 2006

I need your help!