Just a recipe on how to make lemonade ...

Hi! I am Elvi. I live, work and play in New York City. Initially I started this blog to share my experiences with the world about my breast cancer diagnosis and the chemotherapy afterwards, but now (knock knock on wood) I just write about my everyday life encounters. I believe, that every experience in life can be turned into a positive one, hence the title ... When life gives you lemons make lemonade! (And I've made lots of it already!)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Life after surgery

I know I promised to write about the operation, but due to the fact that I was pretty traumatized by the whole process I just tell you that it sucked! Big time! It felt like I was run over by a truck! The first thing I thought of when I opened my eyes after the operation was "Why the heck would anyone go through this torture voluntarily?" ... well, I know why, but I was always happy with my cute little M&M's under the carpet size. I always managed ... if I wanted to impress the other sex, I'd buy that extra padded Victoria's Secret bra and achieve a pretty impressive display anyway.

I am pretty much ready with sizing and shaping (one more procedure left in the Fall) and am happy to report, that good ol' plastic doc (the one who knows me only by my boobs and not face) did an incredible job! I've acquired two beautiful cantaloupes ... pretty impressive in some of my lower cut tops.

Ooops .. maybe I shouldn't have told the whole world about my fruits ... my friend's friend's brother's girlfriend had a boob job done just for "fun" and now every time there is a family event the entire family talks to her boobs instead of her face ... The fascination never stops - her operation was 3 years ago!!! I'd hate that to happen to me.

Do you know that quote by Woody Allen:
"Bisexuality doubles your chances for Saturday night date" (?)
No, no I did not have a change of hearts in my sexuality, however with new boobs and a boy crew cut I am pretty much getting attention 360! The other day an obviously flaming lesbian stared my wrap dress off me and just walking out of the subway an unknown man left his eyes behind my v-neck and commented under his nose something highly perverted (at least by the look of it ..).

Other comments regarding my look come from my dancing partners these days
"Are you French?"

Is this an insult or a compliment?


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