Just a recipe on how to make lemonade ...

Hi! I am Elvi. I live, work and play in New York City. Initially I started this blog to share my experiences with the world about my breast cancer diagnosis and the chemotherapy afterwards, but now (knock knock on wood) I just write about my everyday life encounters. I believe, that every experience in life can be turned into a positive one, hence the title ... When life gives you lemons make lemonade! (And I've made lots of it already!)

Friday, February 24, 2006

My graduation speech

Dear "chemo sisters", doctors, nurses, family, friends and unknown cheerleaders!

This is the third graduation day in my life! On my first two occasions I felt a little sad, but this time I am thrilled!

I will not miss those nauseous days, tasteless meals and sitting at a chemo booth for hours attached to various IV lines.

Having said that, during this process I've learned not only who my real friends are, the value of family, my limitless limits but also everyday things .... like how to show confidence with fake hair, how to avoid compliments about my great new hairdo and how to create symmetry in my chest area.

.. how to find the closest exit when the smell of the food from a restaurant kitchen hits my nose and the food inside changes direction upwards ...

I also became an expert on medical research, findind lumps in virtully any parts of my body and the topic of breast cancer, of course ...

I never appreciated little things in life so much as during this time - like having an attention span longer than 10 minutes and being able to decipher tastes between a grilled fish and a tiramisu.

They say life is a journey, I did not choose it this time but this is the card I was given ... mine is more like a roller coaster ride. I've been on the downward spiral for a long time, but hoping that the the one who is handing out the cards and steering my car is bored with the way down and will change direction towards the peak.

I got my eight chemo treatments, my eight presents as promised, but now it's time to say hooray for some new hair and good-bye cancer!

One of us had to go ... either Elvi or Harry ... I am still rooting for me :o)...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Going to sleep ...

I watched as the swirl of water caught the bits and pieces of mushrooms covered in cheese sauce as it spiraled down the opening of the toilet. I struggled to the kitchen to wash the the greasy dishes (an activity that I can absolutely live without forever).

It was already 1:30 AM .. uff .. Geoff would have been upset with me going to bed this late, but time somehow flies when I am feeling OK.

Switch the heating off in the bedroom, lights off, get a glass of water, switch the radio on - not too quiet and not too loud just so I can barely hear some voice in the distance. I was going through the list of pre-bed activities without which I'd be tossing and turning until I'd fall asleep and wake up 4 hours later thirsty, realizing that the radio is not playing. I need to sleep with the radio on since 9/11. If by any chance I do wake up in the middle of the night the voice will serve as a reassurance that I am alive!

I got it all ... I jump into the fresh sheets just from the laundry day on Sunday and try to fall asleep, but my mind is somewhere else ... planning the next day. I try meditation, count sheep and I get to 15, but need to start all over again, because once again my mind has a life of its own and won't settle according to my will ....

I fall asleep ... or maybe not, I am not sleeping, yet I am not "up" ... I have a a sort of feeling ...
I know this place, I've been here before .. I smell lemons ... see yellow liquid ... I've had this dream before!

I am making lemonade!!! Lots of it! It is DE JA VU! ....

- - - - - - - - - -

Not a glamorous way to start my newest blog entry I know, but this is exactly how my attempt to make myself a wonderful dinner ended. Sorry I've been MIA ... I was feeling much better since my last depressing entry .... 1 more to go! February 24th I graduate from Chemo Academy!!! Cross your fingers that it'll be forever!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I envy

I envy you, who wakes up in the morning without realizing that another day has gone by because time is of no essence

I envy you, who is able to listen to the radio and TV without noticing every advertising for some drug that may work for cancer

I envy you, who looks in the mirror and can keep a stare

I envy you, who can dance and skip and run and dare

I envy you, who thinks that bad things happen to others and will not happen to you

I know the feeling, I used to have it myself (what a mistake) ...

I envy you, who goes to a restaurant and is able to look at the menu without seeing all the antibiotics in meat and a la carte MSG in Chinese tofu

I envy you, who tells me "It's going to be a OK"
(I'd love to be you)

I envy you, whose hair is blown by the wind into your face and it feels like silk

I envy you, who goes to play rather than being stuck at home watching "Project Runway"

I envy you, whose body is not messed up by chemicals. Even though you say "It's almost over" I stand alone in this battle for much much longer

I envy you, who goes to bed and sleeps without worries, whose plans and goals and dreams were not affected by some horrible disease ...

I envy you, because you don't know how this jealousy feels and think I shouldn't envy

Will you forgive me?

Because I do,
I envy you!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I've been stuck inside the apartment feeling not so great since chemo on Friday, but in a 10 minutes when I was feeling so-so we made a new family member from the balcony. She lives in a freezer and her name is "Summer". Her brother from last year dissolved by June, hopefully she will last longer!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Monkey business

"Elviii I can not talk right now, but I am at Macy's .... do you want me to buy that shirt you wanted with a monkey face?"
- asked Noa.

She went to look for a suit for her Wednesday's interview, but after hopelessly walking up and down the four floors of this consumer paradise she could not find what she was looking for. Not wanting to admit that the previous 4 hours were completely wasted she decided to save her sanity and brighten my day by buying the monkey face shirt that I am wearing to work today …

Monkey's have a special place in my life. Well, one monkey in particular....

* * * * * *
Costa Rica was beautiful and I've been enjoying every bit of it's "tico" culture revolving around Spanish houses, salsa, green jungle, blue waves, papaya/banana trees and casado (the traditional meal) until the time when we embarked on a motor boat to our next stop - Puerto Limon.

As the boat was happily crushing through the waves of the murky water, the group kept their eyes open for alligators with wide open jaws ready for a lunchtime snack.In the middle of our 3 hour journey the boat docked at a local watering hole. (Local may not be the most accurate description of the lonely standing shack in the middle of the jungle.)

Our group of about 30 hippies/adventurers/travelers and life lovers ran to sooth their thirst provoked by the burning yellow sun towards the establishment. I followed in their footsteps producing a few of my colons in exchange for a bottle of water.There weren't many attractions around unless I count the outhouse decorated by a world of newspaper cut-outs of various playboy looking bunnies without bikinis or much clothing. Sipping in the cooling water in a shadow of the shack, I realized that almost all of the group gathered around two tall trees and is playing with something .. I could hear cameras clicking .....

Elvi likes to be in the middle of the action and so I scurried towards the noise, where I found a poor monkey tied to a long rope fastened between two trees. The adventurers/hippies/travelers suddenly became tourists and were posing for pictures ... monkey as a baby, monkey on my shoulders, monkey picking out cooties from hair, monkey and a “my” smile ....

Now my turn came, however by this time the photo model changed personalities from playful nice little monkey to an annoyed and angry animal. During the last shot he revengefully stole a camera from the co-model/tourist, put it around his neck and was ready for another shot. Nothing is free these days, right? It’s monkey law in the jungle!
If there is no banana he’ll do with a camera …

I moved forward a bit scared picturing myself showing the heroic photo to all my friends at home. I really wanted that photo!
"Don't be scared, he is just like a baby
(Sounded those encouraging words for the faint hearted … )

“Stretch your arms, he'll stretch his and will hug you like a baby! ... Elvi, he is just like a baby ... " As soon as I stretched my arms, the camera owner decided to take this window of opportunity trying to re-poses his most valuable belonging, while the monkey identified me as the robber and attacked accordingly! He plunged his teeth into my flesh and skin.

Blood started seeping through the monkey bite, I tried to let go but the his arms were just as a claw and would not let go .... the group dispersed in a second seeing the clash of interest ... After a few minutes of me playing brave and “my” monkey playing the stubborn he let go ….
…. but not before tasting the other hand ....

And so he was! A baby with sharp upper and lower teeth without cavities!

The group stared motionless and frozen under the hot sun. Mike, a park ranger from California was the only one who ran to help after monkey and I were separate again. He lay me down in a boat, poured some liquid on the wound ... A moment of hesitation followed whether to faint or not .... My first thought?

"Mike, will I get HIV from this? ... because if so I imagined it in a much more exciting way than this!!!"

Arriving to Puerto Limon I was told the bad news - I will need to seek a doctor and have my wounds sown together. Me? I never had anything broken, let alone bitten!

Doctor's office #1: A shack - almost similar to the "bar" in the jungle .. a note hanging on the door: "Out to lunch. Will be back at 3pm" ... It was 2 o'clock!

Doctor’s office #2: After hearing my monkey story the nurse smiled from ear to ear and turned us down.

Doctor's office #3: We were in luck! Seemingly a quiet place without a single patient. Sean, the driver explained what happened ... "I was MONO bitten" (mono is a monkey in Spanish) ...

The stubby little man smiled ... apparently it's rare occurrence even in TicoLand (Tico is a nickname for a person from Costa Rica). Before I could examine the doctor's office he showed me to the sink, where he stuck my wounds under the running water. He rubbed the half melted soap bar on both hands, then washed it away! (I later realized that this is called Costa Rican disinfection.)

Walking back to his office I also recognized why I was missing the notion of a sterile doctor’s office .. it’s not the smell! His desk was covered by a plastic glass, underneath were similar newspaper cutouts as in the jungle outhouse. While sitting there I discovered Samantha Fox on one of the pictures and other beauties that could easily get a job at Hooters. The three shelves were of no more medical comfort either - a shelf of gauze and two of a soda can collection that was so popular to accumulate during the Communism.

A few minutes later his helper returned from the pharmacy where he purchased a tetanus shot and a needle to saw my wounds. I was scared to ask whether he has an anesthetic (the answer may be negative!) ...

… turned my head away

… squeezed the bus driver and roared like a wounded lion with every stitch … the one when he lost the thread and the one when he yanked on the skin like as if sawing on a button on a winter coat (The cotton was too thick so he forced it ...).

About half an hour later I was ready ... two black stitches sticking out on my right hand and two on the left with multiple knots ...
"Gracias, doctor!"
... he answered something with big smile that I didn't understand ...
"Adios, If you survive send me a thank you card!" .. translated Sean ...

The story does not end ...
I arrived back in February to a snowy New York about 5 hours late with black nylon poking out from both my hands. Not a usual sight even on a New York City subway or the restaurant where I worked at that time. Reading through monkey bites literature I realized that I need a rabies shot! ... I started a search for a doctor ... there are about 10 million people here, but how many get bitten by a monkey in Manhattan?
I wondered …

Called million places ... listening to my story some of them, I felt, would have rather suggested a psychiatric institution than themselves ... another one left a message ...
"Miss, will be able to help just bring the animal" ...
Eventually I called the Bronx ZOO to no help.

My research lead me to identify the beast as a Central American spider monkey and eventually a traveler's clinique where I received 8 painful shots to avoid waking up one day and finding foam in my mouth ....

Monday, February 06, 2006

Life as a couple

E-mail exchange:

Boy: 3:15 PM
Honey bunny, please dont' freak out about the dishes in the sink - i'm setting your expectations that there are a lot of them but i don't have time to wash or put in DW. I will do it after my calls end at 7:30.

Love U, G

Girl: 4:38 PM
G Love, please do not piss me off! Even if you set my expectations I DO NOT LIKE to come home to a mess ... and you know that, so please act accordingly! Thanx!

Love U2, LV

Boy: 5:05 PM
Honey, the dishes are done... so there.

Boy: 5:07 PM
.... don't forget to take off your shoes and leave your broomstick at the door...

Have a funny day!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Another reason to learn languages

Speaking more than one language seemed to prove useful many times in the past. I got jobs, made friends, helped strangers and listened in to conversations of the clueless thanks to this skill.

Last Wednesday I had the opportunity again to utilize my language abilities.

Oli and I went to the infamous Chirping Chicken. CC is not a high class eatery. In addition to nannies with food comatose kids in strollers it draws it's clientele of office and construction workers alike.

Just when we were in the midst of passionately discussing the newest office drama, three young men in their timberland boots, jeans and sweatshirts sat behind the table next to us. It took only a few seconds before I noticed that they were speaking Hungarian.

I've lived in New York for almost 10 years and never succeeded passing by a bunch of construction guys without them having to make some sort of non-constructive observation, like "Look guys! she has a big ass" (to which I would have always loved to answer something on these lines - but never had the guts to do it ... "and you probably have a tiny eany-meany ...khm .. . khm ...PG13 ").

According to past experiences the least likely they think that you can understand them, the more vivid and descriptive the comment is that "you" get.

I was not in the mood to listen in to their conversation this time, neither was I going to disrupt Oli's conspiracy theory and so I ignored the table next to us as long as I could ....

The potato and the salad landed satisfactorily at the bottom of my stomach and as soon as I pulled my chair from the table I felt three pairs of eyes simultaneously staring at me. The exact location where the eyes were stuck: my butt and boobs (Ufff ... as long as it's not JenniferTheWig at this stage I don't care I said to myself and marched towards the disposal bin with my tray).

I became curious and to give "my workers" the feeling of false security I asked Oli in loud and clear Czech to grab a cup of coffee after lunch.

The cat was out of the bag before even finishing my sentence ...

Construction worker No.1: Hmmmmm, she is pretty good.
Construction worker No2: Oh pleeeeease, just look at her .... she is flat like a table ....

(Who? Me? You did not just say that sucker! To insult the best plastic surgeon at Sloan like this! I want my revenge!)

I pinned my eyes on the opinionated one and strolled towards him while keeping the gaze .... from the corner of my eye I saw the face expressions of the others changing, which followed their skin tone change from pale beige to babybreath white and quiet ... really quiet!

"Hi! Next time you have an opinion you may want to keep it to yourself!" ... I said in Hungarian" then turned around, picked up my bag, told Oli I changed my mind - I will not want the coffee (in Czech), turned around again ...

"Good bye boys! Have a nice day" ... in Hungarian ....

Prologue: Isn't life funny? I've never been commented on my "flatness" with my A+ boobs, but now that I am Pam Anderson I get this statement!
As far as the boys go I dedicate the above picture to them :)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

No more rabbit

Before "Turtle, turtle" there was "Rabbit, rabbit"

Geoff's elementary school teacher told her class once that saying "Rabbit, rabbit" on the first day of every month brings luck.

It is scary how kids remember some things and take it to heart. Apparently, little Geoff wanted to be either really lucky or was so taken aback by his teacher that since the age of 6 he's been saying "Rabbit, rabbit" every 1th day of every month for luck.

There is no scientific proof that if you follow the "rabbit trail" it will actually work, but since our relationship began it became a ritual to try to beat each other in reminding about the "rabbit".
I wasn't going to take any chances with this superstition so I was on with the tradition ...

Once I even heard it while watching the morning news. The announcer on FOX said it out loud to my surprise in between two news pieces - one about Iraq, "Rabbit, rabbit", and the other about some shooting in the Bronx.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer confirmed what I feared for a while - "Rabbit, rabbit" does not work :(
It does not bring luck, health or any other priviledges that one would dream about ....

Both disappointed - we made a change! ... from September 2005 it's "Turtle, turtle" for us on the SECOND of every month!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

En quatro

Second of February: TURTLE, TURTLE

Before I start ... I feel like I should apologize for this blog entry and copy Mahbubi's exact words .. VOILA ..

"I don't usually fall for the chain letter gimmicks - in fact they annoy me - even when it was a novelty - so its a little out of character for me to do this - but it looked interesting. I saw it here. What they started is a series of questions of that are answered in four's. It is a nice insight into the person that writes them, and then at the end you tag (nominate) four other people to do the same. I figured since I don't know any of them, they probably won't tag me - so I started my own. Now, don't worry, your luck is not going to abandon you if you don't do it - and neither are you going to win fortunes if you do, but it would be nice if you played along :) (you know who you are :)"

Now you just figured out that I am one of "who you are" ... so on a chance that reversed psychology actually works I am doing it in a hope to win fortunes and good luck ...

Four jobs I've had:
* Sold newspaper at various street corners
(got almost beaten up for taking up a spot once)
* Nanny
* Arts and crafts specialist counselor at a summer camp
* Consular officer

Four movies I can watch over and over:
(I do not like watching movies more than once, but I did ... )
* Dirty Dancing
* Grease
* The snowman
(a cartoon - an exception to the rule - I've seen it about million times)
* Crash
(will watch it again)

Four places I have lived at:
* Kosice, Slovakia
* London, England
* Oakdale, New York
* Woodhaven, NY - Woodside, NY - Sunnyside, NY - The City
(the exact order I moved in the last 5 years)

Four television shows I love to watch:
Anything on the Travel Channel
(In case or for when I pack my bags and travel again :o)
Jay Leno
(In case I ever become a comodian:o))
Project Runway
(In case I ever become a fashion designer :o)))
The Bachelor
(In case I become single again ... just kidding ;o)

Four places I have been on vacation:

Four of my favourite dishes:
Penne a la Vodka
Mom's chicken soup with lots of noodles and carrots
Pad Thai

Four websites I visit daily:
(for world news)
(for Czech gossip)
(for views and ideas of Slovak bloggers)
(To see whose lookin' and readin' this. Do not worry! I can only see the country and the city so all remain anonymous :)

Four places I would rather be right now:
visiting my family in Slovakia
anywhere in the Caribbean in a hammock
at the plastic surgeont office having the last of my surgeries done
in a tango dance class

Four people I am tagging:
My 6th reader from Budapest
Just a Mom (Jay) from Texas
Line from Norway
The mystery person from Cyprus whom I do not know but he/she loyally reads my blog :)

(People whom I either do not personally know or have lost touch with for many years or whom I have not seen since Mexico :)

(Answers can be emailed at
dscqn@yahoo.com and I will post them here .. that is of course if "you" play along)